Fishing / Aquaculture Operators

Enhance your Fishing and Aquaculture applications through Data driven insights.

Maximise your operational efficiency and minimize your environmental impact through Overwatch.

The Overwatch platform is designed to provide both real time visibility and historical analysis on vessel activities.

Here's How

Improve vessel efficiencies through monitoring vessel and skipper behaviour and get real time visibility on Fuel consumption, fuel levels, throttle application and vessel routes – optimize your operations through data.

Keep your fleet operational with predictive maintenance powered by data analytics.

By monitoring equipment performance and detecting potential issues before they escalate, you can prevent costly downtime and keep your vessels operating at peak performance.

Combine operational and consumption data with your harvest, better understand your costs to serve your customers and maximise your returns.

Safety is paramount on the high seas.

Leverage data analytics to identify potential safety hazards, monitor vessel performance in real-time, and implement proactive measures to ensure the well-being of your Harvest and Crew alike.

Sail towards a greener future with eco-friendly practices guided by data.

Optimize fuel consumption, reduce emissions, and minimize your environmental footprint—all while maintaining operational excellence and cost-effectiveness.

Join HamiltonJet and Overwatch with data-driven strategies.

Whether you have a single vessel operation or a fleet of harvesters, our tailored solutions can help you navigate the challenges of the fishing and aquaculture industries with confidence.

Let’s connect!

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